February 12, 2025

Microsoft word 2016 show ruler free

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Microsoft word 2016 show ruler free

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Внезапно Беккера охватило чувство, которого он никогда прежде не испытывал. Словно по сигналу, поданному инстинктом выживания, все мышцы его тела моментально напряглись. Он взмыл в воздух в тот момент, когда раздался выстрел, и упал прямо на Меган. Пуля ударилась в стену точно над. – Mierda! – вскипел Халохот.



Microsoft word 2016 show ruler free.Show or hide the ruler


I am using Word Whenever I open Word for the first time, there is no ruler display. The checkbox for showing the ruler under the View tab is NOT checked.

I can check it, and the rulers appear like they should. I am in “Print Layout” view. On other computers in our office, the Ruler checkbox is checked by default when you start Word for the first time. How can I get it to keep this setting so that the rulers appear when launching Word? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

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Run the registry editor regedit. On the right, scroll down to the entry named Ruler. Its value will be either 0x 0 if the ruler is not displayed or 0x 1 if it is displayed. If the value stays at 0x 0 after you shut down Word while the ruler is displayed, there’s something interfering with Word’s setting. Are there other options that won’t change properly, or is it just this one? You can try changing the value in the registry. While you’re viewing the key in the registry editor, double-click the Ruler entry’s icon.

In the small dialog that appears, change the number in the “Value data” box from 0 to 1 and click OK. Then open Word to see whether the ruler appears.

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Jay Freedman MVP. It sounds like Word is failing to save the Ruler setting in the registry, which it then reads on each startup to determine whether to show the ruler. Thanks for your feedback.

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