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Adjudication in Construction Contracts. Exercise 2 Create the orthographic views of the object shown below. To trim an object, you must first activate the Trim tool, and then select the cutting edge intersecting object and the portion to be removed. Each chapter has components vree with the help of real world models. You have to make a note that AutoCAD measures the angle in anti-clockwise direction. A flyout appears.

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Center point grip C Stretch: Select the grip on the circumference and move the pointer. Grip on circumference Arc Center point grip Move: Select the center grip of the arc and move the pointer. Endpoint Grip Stretch: Select the corner grips and move the pointer. Polylines, here neem Ortho: Grips on circumference Stretch Vertices: Select the control vertices of a CV spline and move the pointer.

Stretch: Select a grip on the spline and move the pointer. Modifying Rectangular Arrays You can use grips to edit rectangular arrays a 3 m dynamically. Various array editing operations using grips are given next.

Next, enter the number of columns or drag the pointer and click. You can also enter the row count in the command line. Changing the Column and Row Spacing To change the total column and row spacing, place the pointer on the top right corner grip and select Total Row and Column Spacing from the shortcut menu.

Note that the angle is calculated from the first column of the array. For example, if you enter 60 as the axis angle, the rows will be inclined by 60 degrees from the first column. Array Editing State x Edit source objects of the associative array? The source objects of the associative array can be edited while in an Array Editing state. Modifying Polar Arrays Similar to editing rectangular arrays, you can also edit a polar array by using grips.

Changing the Radius of a Polar array e Create the polar array, as shown in figure. Select Stretch Radius from the shortcut menu. You can also enter a new radius value of the polar array. Changing the Row Count of a Polar array Place the pointer on the base grip of the array and select Row Count from the shortcut menu. Move the pointer outward and click.

You can also enter the number of the rows in the command line. You can also enter the total row spacing value in the command line. You can also enter the distance in the command line.

To change the fill angle, place the pointer on the base grip and select Fill Angle from the shortcut menu. Changing the Item count of a Polar array e Select the polar array and enter a new item count in the Items box of the Array ribbon.

You can create revision clouds using three different tools. Example 1: e Start anew drawing using the acadISO template. You can also select the Object option, and select an object from the eraphics window. The selected object will be converted into a revision cloud. You can use the midpoint grip to stretch or add new vertices to the revision cloud.

Stretch Add Vertex You can use the corner point grip to stretch, add, or remove vertices. The engineering drawing consists of various views of the object, showing its true shape and size so that they can be clearly dimensioned. This can be achieved by creating the orthographic views of the object.

In the first section of this chapter, you will learn to create orthographic views of an object. The second section introduces you to auxiliary views. The auxiliary views clearly describe the features of a component, which are located on an inclined plane or surface.

Creating Orthographic Views Orthographic Views are standard representations of an object on a sheet. These views are created by projecting an object onto three different planes top, front, and side planes. The following figure shows the orthographic views that will be created when an object is projected using the First Angle Projection method.

Top view : ye Front view Right-side view Top view Left-side view Front view Righ-side view Example: In this example, you will create the orthographic views of the part shown below. Create two new layers with the following properties. Construction 0. Close the Layer Properties Manager. Activate the Ortho Mode icon on the status bar. Next, you need to draw construction lines. They are used as references to create actual drawings. You will create these construction lines on the Construction layer so that you can hide them when required.

Move the pointer upward and click to create a vertical construction line. Move the pointer toward right and click to create a horizontal construction line. Click the Offset button on the Modify panel. Select the vertical construction line. Move the pointer toward right and click to create an offset line. Right-click and select Enter to exit the Offset tool.

Next, you must turn off the Construction Now, you must create object lines. Ld e Use the Trim tool and trim the unwanted objects. Lo e Create other offset lines and trim the unwanted portions as shown below.

Select the From option. Points Point Filters b Select the endpoint of the line in the front view as shown below. Move the pointer on the vertical line and enter 40 in the command line; the first point of the line is specified at a point 40 mm e Move the pointer near the horizontal line of the front view and click at the intersection point as shown below. Next, you must create the right side view. To do this, you must draw a degree miter line and project the measurements of the top view onto the side view.

Also, a rubber band line will be attached to the pointer. Click on the Layer drop-down in the Layers panel. Click the light-bulb icon of the Construction layer; the Construction layer is turned on. Select the Construction layer from the Layer drop-down to set it as the current layer. Draw an inclined line by connecting the intersection points of the construction lines as shown below.

You cannot get the true shape and size for these features by using the orthographic views. To see an accurate size and shape of the inclined features, you must create an auxiliary view.

An auxiliary view is created by projecting the component onto a plane other than horizontal, front [E or side planes. The following figure shows a e Turn off the Construction layer by clicking component with an inclined face.

When you create on the light-bulb of the Construction layer. E Object Orthographic Views The drawing after creating all the views is To get the actual shape of the hole, you must create shown below.

Example: In this example, you will create an auxiliary view of Creating Auxiliary Views the object shown below. Create four new layers with the following properties. Create a rectangle at the lower left corner of the graphics window, as shown in figure. Select the lower left corner of the rectangle as the base point. Make sure that the Ortho mode is activated. Note the left vertical lines of the two rectangles should be collinear with each other.

Next, right-click to explode the rectangle. Activate the Line tool and select the intersection points on the front view, as shown.

First point Likewise, create the object lines in the top view, as shown below. Next, select the Through option. Next, select the intersection point as shown below. Construction line J ra! The offset dimensions are given in the figure. Next, create the object lines using the intersection points between the construction lines.

Create projection lines from the circle. Instead of doing this, you can save these portions with a name. Then, restore the named view and start working on them. This displays the Views panel on the ribbon. Create a window on the front view, as shown below. Enter Front in the View name box. Likewise, create the named views for the top and right views of the drawing. Exercise 3 Create the orthographic and auxiliary views of the Exercise 1 object shown below.

Create the orthographic views of the object shown below. Exercise 2 Create the orthographic views of the object shown below. However, while creating a drawing, you also need to provide the size information. You can provide the size information by adding dimensions to the drawings. In this chapter, you will learn how to create various types of dimensions.

You will also learn about some standard ways and best practices of dimensioning. You can access these tools from the Ribbon, Command line, and Menu Bar.

Dimension This tool creates a dimension based on the selected geometry. Select a line, move the pointer, and click to create the linear dimension. Select a circle, move the pointer, and click to position the diameter dimension. Select an arc, move the pointer, and click to position the radial dimension.

Place the pointer on the arc, type L, and press Enter. Select the arc, move the pointer, and click to position the arc length dimension. Place the pointer on the arc, type A, and press Enter.

Select the arc, move the pointer, and click to position the angle of the arc. Select two non-parallel lines and position the angular dimension between them. Likewise, you can create other types of dimensions using the Dimension tool. Linear This tool creates horizontal and vertical dimensions. Select the first and second points of the dimension. Move the pointer in horizontal direction to create a vertical dimension or move in the vertical direction to create a horizontal dimension.

Click to position the dimension. Select the first and second points of the dimension line or press Enter and select the line. Move the pointer and click to position the dimension. Arc Length It dimensions the total or partial length of an arc. Select an arc from the drawing. If you want to dimension only a partial length of an arc, select Partial option from the command line. Next, select the two points on the arc.

Move pointer and click to position the dimension. Continue It creates a linear dimension from the second extension line of the previous dimension. Next, right-click and select Enter. Select the base dimension. Select the third and fourth point of the baseline dimension. Select the first line and second line.

Move the pointer and position the angle dimension. To create an angle dimension on an arc, select the arc and position the dimension.

To create an angle dimension on a circle, select two points on the circle and position the angle dimension. It adds a radial dimension to an arc or circle. It creates jogged dimensions. A jogged dimension is created when it is not possible to show the center of an arc or circle. Select an arc or circle. Select a new center point override.

Locate the dimension and the jog location. Select the linear dimension to add a jog. Define the location of the jog on the dimension. The centreline has the associative property. Select the point of the object. Move the pointer in the vertical direction and click to position the X-Coordinate value. Quick It dimensions one or more objects at the same time. Select one or more objects from a drawing. Right-click and position the dimensions. Adjust Space In the following figure, the drawing on the left side has congested a, dimensions, whereas the right side drawing has dimensions with ample space between them.

You can use the Adjust Space tool to adjust the space between the dimensions. Select the base dimension from which the other dimensions are to be adjusted. Select the dimensions to adjust.

Right-click to accept. Enter the space value or select the Auto option; the dimensions will be adjusted with respect to the base dimension. Select the dimension to add a break. Select the dimension or object intersecting the dimension selected in the previous step. This breaks the dimension by the intersecting object.

Right-click to exit the tool. The inspection dimension describes how frequently the dimension should be checked during inspection process to ensure the quality of the component. Select the shape of the inspection from the Shape section. Enter the Inspection rate. If required, select the Label check box and enter the inspection label. Example: e Create four new layers with the following settings. In this example, you will create the drawing as 5 shown in figure and add dimensions to it.

You can create 2. The following example helps you to create a dimension style. By default, the ISO or the Standard dimension style is active. If the default dimension style does not e Expand the Annotation panel on the Home suit the dimensioning requirement, you can create a ribbon tab and click Dimension Style.

Most of them are self-explanatory. These options let you to change the appearance of the dimension text. Extend beyond dim lines r Offset from origin e Set Extend beyond dim lines and Offset from origin to 1.

Study the different options in this tab. The options in this tab are used to change the appearance and behaviour of the dimension lines and extension lines. The options position the dimension, as shown below. Also, you can set the appearance of the center marks and centrelines of circles and arcs. Adding Leaders A leader is a thin solid line terminating with an Second point arrowhead at one end and a dimension, note, or First point symbol at the other end.

In the following example, you will learn to create a leader style, and then te a leader. Example 1: e Select the two angled lines of the drawing and position the angle dimension. A kdu A? Default Text Modify They are Size: used to set the appearance of the multileader lines and the arrow head. The other options in this tab are used to define the appearance of the text or block that will be attached at the end of the leader line.

A Multileader Leaders y e Click the down arrow next to the Polar tracking button on the status bar and select 45 from the menu. Second point First point e Type M12x1. Next, you must insert the depth symbol before However, it is impossible to manufacture a part with the exact dimensions.

Therefore, while applying dimensions to a drawing we provide some dimensional tolerances, which lie within acceptable limits. The following example shows you to add dimension tolerances in AutoCAD.

Example: e Create the drawing, as shown below. Do not add dimensions to it. However, the e Set the Vertical position as Middle. You must give Units, Text, and Symbols and Arrows tab: tolerance values to its shape, orientation and position as well.

The following figure shows a note Primary Units tab: which is used to explain the tolerance value given to Unit format: Decimal the shape of the object. Precision: 0. To Arrow Size: 2. In this figure, the vertical face to which the tolerance frame is connected, must be within two parallel planes 0. The Geometric Tolerancing symbols that can be used to interpret the geometric conditions are given in the table below. Example 1: In this example, you will apply geometric tolerances to the drawing shown below.

The Symbol dialog appears. The symbol appears in the Sym group. The diameter symbol appears in the leader points to 2. In AutoCAD, the dimensions are associative to the drawing. If you modify a drawing, the dimensions e On the Home ribbon tab, expand the will be modified, automatically. In the following Annotation panel and click Multileader example, you will stretch the drawing to modify the Style iP dimensions.

In the same way, you can modify dimensions by trimming and extending. The following example shows you to modify dimensions by this method.

Example: e Create a drawing as shown below and add dimensions to it. This trims the dimension up to the selected edge. Next, right-click to accept. Boundary to select This will extend the dimension up to the selected boundary. Using this command, you can add text to a dimension, rotate the dimension text and extension lines or reset the position of the dimension text. Select the New option from the command line; a text box appears.

Typ 0 Left-click and select the dimension with value The angle of the dimension text is changed to 30 degrees.

Note that the angle is measured from the horizontal axis X- axis. Typ 10 30 ep Using the Update tool The Update tool is used to update a dimension with the currently active dimension style.

For example, if you have created a new dimension style, you can apply it to an already existing dimension using the Update tool. The following example shows you to update a dimension. Click the Text Style button; the Text Style dialog appears. Click Apply and close the Text Style dialog. Click Close on the Dimension Style Manager dialog. In the Dimensions panel, set the dimension style to Standard. Next, right-click; the dimension will be updated with the current the dimension style.

This tool is very useful while dimensioning the isometric drawings. It can also be used in 2D drawings when the dimensions overlap with each other. Example: In this example, you will create an isometric drawing and add dimensions to it. Next, you will use the Oblique tool to change the angle of the dimension lines.

Also, turn on the Dynamic Input. In the same way, you can edit dimensions using grips. The editing operations using grips are Pai discussed next. Example 3: Modifying the Dimension text e Select the dimension and position the pointer on the middle grip; a shortcut menu appears as shown below. You can perform the required operation by selecting the corresponding option. Z Stretch Continue Dimension en Baseline Dimension Flip Arrow Modifying Dimensions using the Properties palette Using the Properties palette, you can modify the dimensional properties such as text, arrow size, precision, linetype, lineweight, and so on.

The Properties palette comes in handy when you want to modify the properties of a particular dimension only. Example: e Create the drawing shown in figure and apply dimensions to it. Now, you can apply ayer eee. Plot style DO Yellow eet. Ext line color EpElock Ext line ext 1.

By default, all the options are selected in this dialog. Next, you must select the destination objects. Exercise 1 Create the drawing shown below and create hole callouts for different types of holes.

Assume missing dimensions. The Grid spacing is 10 mm. After creating the drawing, apply dimensional tolerances to it. The tolerance specifications are given below. Method: Limits Precision: 0. Using the parametric tools, you can define the shape and size of a drawing by applying relations and dimensions between the objects. You can also use equations in place of dimensions.

Changing one parameter of an equation would change the entire shape and size of the drawing. This makes it easy to modify the design. The parametric tools can be accessed from the Ribbon, Command line, and Menu Bar.

For example, you can apply the Tangent constraint to make a line tangent to a circle. Appserver Installation on Windows. Erwin Install. BIM Training Qualifications. LG Mouse a Web. CAD techniques porfolio Exercise 5. Fritzing Download1. Adjudication in Construction Contracts. Reinforcement Steel Mesh.

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