February 15, 2025

[Capture One 23 Pro tutorials

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It was first created with tethered image capturing in mind, but quickly branched out to a more full-fledged image processing program. Now it offers exceptional RAW image file processing, image cataloging, layers, local adjustments, keystone adjustments, as well as just about all the features one would expect out of a pro image editing app.

The paid versions all have a free day trial period, and I highly recommend you use this to have a play around. There are several versions of Capture One, each with various other options to choose from, which can make the initial download process rather confusing.

See latest price here. Even if you own Sony or Fujifilm cameras see below your best best is to download the free trial of the full version of Capture One Pro 12 here, with support for over different cameras. In Capture One Pro, there are plenty of options when right-clicking.

Every program takes some getting used to, and Capture One is no exception. Instead, everything sits in one interface and you toggle through buttons to change functions.

Right-click options and short-cuts abound, and like Photoshop many of the tools have a number of other options when you right-click on their buttons. Here the film strip is on the bottom, similar to a Lightroom layout. Making the transition from Lightroom? Simply put your filmstrip on the bottom panel and the adjustment panels to the right. You can even assign the same keyboard shortcuts to Capture One Pro as you use in Lightroom.

This is particularly awesome if you have an established workflow and know what you use the most. All this being said, the high learning curve often has me frustrated.

Simple things like renaming files or switching from grid to single image view are different in Capture One and they all take some getting used to.

Capture One Pro is feature-rich with just about everything a photographer needs in an editing app. As far as photo editors go, there are a couple of places where Capture One just rocks it. Here are a few of the other advantages of using Capture One Pro over Lightroom, or most of the other image editing softwares out there:.

Each brand has their own special recipe for rendering RAW files, but Capture One has long been known for being exceptional. Take a quick look at the video below to see how the photographer uses Capture One Pro to edit high-end fashion portraits.

As far as the level and selection of standard adjustment tools are concerned — exposure, contrast, shadows, highlights, white balance, and so on — Capture One is up there with the best.

Some things are done differently, however. To edit straight-up saturation you need to go to another tab. Capture One Pro comes with an excellent Keystone adjustment. Pro only, not Express.

There are plenty of useful autocorrect options for just about every tool, and these work better than my version of Lightroom. The auto levels adjustment seems particularly spot on.

The Express version is obviously a bit more limited. Capture One has these too. When you use layers in Capture One Pro , you can make targeted adjustments to your photos and still use the majority of the image editing tools available, not just the ones in a given tool. This is a huge benefit for those who like a fine level of control over photo manipulation. These bring a variety of looks to your pictures with just one click.

The examples shown below were only processed with the styles mentioned. No further adjustments. You will find the link to the style pack above the slider and again below on this page. Have fun! Sessions and catalogs Yes, it is an important and often not easy decision.

I explain to you the respective advantages and disadvantages of these two administrative options. Later in Chapter 3 in more detail, but now in a nutshell: a catalog is the one you know from Lightroom. Capture one manages the images that you import into the catalog. Of course you can have several catalogs in parallel. The great thing is that you can also work on several catalogs at the same time. This is not possible in Lightroom. The sessions are also great.

Here you can browse directly to any folder on your computer without having to import images beforehand.

Learn more about the differences between sessions and catalogs. Tethered Shooting Tethered shooting means that the camera is connected directly to the computer and, for example, in a studio photo session, the images taken are automatically imported directly. Capture One is the leader here.

Because a tethering session does not have to be set up or activated — as soon as a camera is connected, tethering works and Capture One Pro pulls each image directly onto the computer in seconds and displays it. There is a separate chapter in this tutorial about tethering with Capture One Pro. You have probably been a Lightroom user so far. It is enormously customizable and, above all, it is the tool that currently delivers the best image quality of your RAW images. Even if you are just starting out, you should consider carefully whether you will become a Lightroom or Capture One Pro user.

The great thing is, as a beginner, you can test both programs for 30 days free of charge and find out which program is right for you and which one meets your image quality requirements. Fujifilm RAW images in particular have worm-like artifacts when sharpening in Lightroom. This is very unattractive and is not due to the Fujifilm cameras, but to how Lightroom interprets the sensor pattern of the Fuji cameras.

Absolutely unacceptable processing. Here Capture One shines with a much clearer image processing. The images appear sharper without being over-sharpened. But especially when it comes to editing an image, Capture One can really shine, because the layers and especially the masking functions are far superior to Lightroom.

This means that even more complex processing with complex masking can be done in a very short time without having to open the image in Photoshop. Above all, the option of working in several catalogs or sessions in Capture One at the same time also helps me personally.

A function that you will not find in Lightroom. I recommend you to download the trial version of Capture One Pro now so that you can follow my tutorial and try out all the functions directly. The image quality cannot be compared! Understanding the tool in detail is essential for every photographer. So that you get along well in your daily work, it is also important that we adapt your work environment individually to your workflow.

The fourth element could be the toolbar. The browser shows thumbnails. Clicking on the respective preview picture opens it in the viewer. The viewer is therefore also the area in which we mainly work and where the actual image processing takes place. There is no distinction between a library module and a development module as you know it from Lightroom. In my opinion, this distinction is also completely unnecessary.

So you get an arrangement of the windows, which is modeled on Lightroom. This will make it easier for you to switch. Also important: both the browser and the viewer can be shown or hidden if necessary. The viewer can also be placed on the left, right or below. The tools can also be placed on the left or right. This makes the Capture One Pro user interface very customizable.

So I quickly get a grid view with an overview of all images in the current folder. These tabs can be filled with tools as required. The standard setting of the tools is perfect for the beginning and does not have to be changed.

All the important tools for a black and white conversion are gathered here. But more on that later. Every tool can be moved freely. So you can adapt the order of the tools to your workflow. So you can insert any tool into any tab, even several times or take it out again. You can even pull it out to get a floating tool. The advantage of a floating tool is that you can place it directly over the image so that your gaze does not have to constantly wander away from the image to the toolbar.

My recommendation is nevertheless, stay with the standard for the time being and start adapting the workspaces later. It is therefore important that you memorize the most important keyboard shortcuts and, of course, set new ones when you need them.

Nevertheless, they are super practical. Because a session has the charm that images do not have to be imported. When you create a session, it allows you to browse every folder on every hard drive and edit the images stored there immediately. These edits and changes are stored in the session. Sessions are actually meant for sessions — as the name suggests — for photo sessions. This is how the pictures you take in tethering go directly to the Capture subfolder in the session folder.

The session folder above it forms a unit of images and the associated Capture One data in order to work with this session and the processing carried out in it. For example, I like to create a session for individual customer orders. So these are self-contained, small projects. They are more meant to include multiple projects. Typically, you would organize your picture archive in a catalog. However, neither of the two variants has any real advantages or disadvantages.

Because you can start Capture One several times in parallel. So you can work on several catalogs or sessions at the same time if necessary. In general, I recommend you play with both variants at the beginning to find out what suits you best.

Capture One takes over all metadata. So your ratings will remain. The edits, however, are only approximate. After all, Lightroom and Capture one are completely different programs. It is not possible to take over completely identical processing automatically.

Therefore, it makes sense that you check this carefully and, if necessary, export your pictures again from Lightroom as long as you still have a license. Allow enough time to import your Lightroom library into Capture One. It is unfortunately not possible to say how long this will take, but several hours are quite realistic. Then you can set the cut directly on the picture with the mouse pointer.

Tip: there is a small triangle next to the cutting tool. If you click on it you get further options for the cropping in fixed aspect ratios or also for a free cropping.

A long mouse click on the magnifying glass symbol in the toolbar shows you further options of the magnifying glass tool. There you can set the size of the magnifying glass and the magnification of the magnifying glass. Incidentally, the magnifying glass also works on preview images. Vertical or horizontal. For example, you draw the horizon once. When you release the mouse, your picture is straight.

Freehand rotation : You can rotate the image freehand by holding down the mouse button Rotate Left : Clicking on the image or on thumbnails rotates it to the left. Rotate Right : Clicking the image or thumbnails will rotate it to the right. So a little sensitivity is required. I usually click on the number with the mouse and then adjust the exposure with the keyboard and the up and down arrows. It is advisable to display a histogram in parallel or even to activate the exposure warning symbol with triangle and exclamation mark in the toolbar.

This exposure warning then shows both overexposed and underexposed areas in color and help you to find a suitable setting. On the whole, however, you should proceed according to your gut feeling. With more contrast, dark areas of the image become darker and at the same time, bright areas of the image become lighter.

I think the contrast control is very nice and soft and can also be operated with the mouse. Again, you should just go for the image effect — there are no standard values. I personally use this controller very rarely or not at all. However, you can only reduce the contrast with the HDR tool — but either selectively lighten the shadows or dim the lights. If the dark areas of the image are too dark, drag the Depth slider to the right. It seems like a book manufactured in the author’s basement.

Who on earth edited this book? Holy smoke. A 10 year old kid has better English. What a waste! Poorly written, for a few dollars more get a professionally written document from Gumroad. This is an insult to Amazon customers, we expect better from Amazon!

See all reviews. Top reviews from other countries. If I were to go to the trouble of writing anything, and putting it to print, I would make certain my copy is proof read and edited.

I think it’s shameful this author, and Amazon who have an imprint on the back page, have produced a book that is in my view of a very poor standard of our English language. I would be embarrassed as an author to show this book to anyone.

The book could be also be half it’s size. The type size pads this book out to a ridiculous and excessive number of pages. Regarding content, I’m of the view that the book is poorly structured. I think the author is aware few books have been written about Capture One Pro 12, and has published knowing this. I’m going back to the Capture One videos, writing down my own notes and referring to these to move forward on my learning curve on what is an excellent, but difficult programme to learn.

Would I recommend this book, well I suggest you look at the Capture One tutorials, take notes, and see how you get on before you consider purchasing it. I think my copy is going to a charity book shop, or possibly eBay with some comments re the copy.

I’m sorry if the author reads my review and is unhappy, but please, have some respect for proof reading and editing before going to print. An easy read and just what I was looking for, however the kindle version is the better value option. But if like me you prefer having a book in your hands then it’s going to be little pricey for what it is, and being only 62 pages long with a mere 57 of which containing any useful content. Be aware that if you’re expecting a thick heavy book packed with all there is to know about Capture one pro 12, then this is not that book, it will however provide more than enough information to get you started.

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User Guide. Find detailed guidelines on how to enhance your workflow and learn more about the features of Capture One. The official Capture One Learning Hub. Free access to quick tutorials, in-depth webinars, and blog posts. Learn Capture One today!


Capture one pro 12 manual free


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In this guide we’ve chosen a selection of cameras that make it easy to shoot compelling lifestyle images, ideal for sharing on social media. Two of the GPUs are designed for workstation desktops, while a third is for laptops. This second-generation adapter is smaller, faster and quieter than its predecessor. Midwest Photo was burgled late last week after a stolen truck broke through the store’s front entrance.

The store is in the progress of recovering from the damage and stolen goods. Photographers should be on the lookout for any suspicious product listings online. Travel with Peter to see how he shoots, and view some of the spectacular photos he captures along the way. Includes sample gallery. We go hands-on with Sigma’s latest ‘Digital Native’ wide-angle lenses for L-mount and Sony E-mount cameras to see what features they have and what sets them apart from the rather limited competition.

Sony has announced in-camera forgery-proof photo technology for its a7 IV mirrorless camera. The technology, aimed at corporate users, cryptographically signs images in-camera to detect future pixel modification and tampering.

It uses tracks, cords and hooks to store your gear flat against the wall without hiding it from view. Sigma’s been on a roll with their mirrorless Art series lenses. Does the new 24mm F1. The new Sigma 24mm F1. Check out our sample gallery to see how sharp it is, as well as how it handles flare, chromatic aberrations and sunstars.

Sigma’s new 20mm F1. Chris and Jordan run through their absolute favorite lenses for Sony E-Mount, including both Sony lenses and third party options. Nikon has released the financial results for the first quarter of its fiscal year, revealing increased year-over-year revenue and profits.

Alfie Cameras is launching its Alfie TYCH next month on Kickstarter, but before then it needs beta testers to see how its triple lens half-frame camera performs. NASA is preparing for a simulated Mars mission that will house four crew members in a module on Earth. The crew will remotely control drones and rovers to collect rock samples on a simulated Mars. Skypersonic, a remote control drone company, is supplying mission-critical technology as part of the mission.

The explosion created one of the most energetic short-duration gamma-ray bursts ever observed. The Tamron Lens Utility Mobile app is set to launch later this year.

The app will let you use your compatible Android device to control, customize and update compatible Tamron lenses without the need for a computer. The images, which appear to be screenshots from a press briefing, reveal some of the details of the forthcoming lens. The Peter McKinnon camera tool features a patent-pending design that features integrated Phillips and flathead drivers, as well as extendable arms capable of holding four other bits that can be swapped out to fit your needs.

Nikon has updated the firmware for its Nikkor Z 50mm F1. Is this good or bad for the industry, and what are the long-term implications? It’s a far cry from the conventional lenses you’re used to seeing, but it’s sure to give you a look, unlike any optic you can purchase online.

The PGM0. Sigma is set to release new ‘products’ next week, on August 8, What do you think Sigma has in store? Check out some summer vacation photos from beautiful British Columbia to see for yourself. Reading mode: Light Dark. Login Register. Best cameras and lenses. Now reading: Capture One 22 View Comments Comments All Walrus1 I had an embarrassing photoshoot yesterday. Rufty just out of curiosity, what c1 forums would you suggest?

Stuart VC I think im sticking with my current version for the foreseeable. Nicolas Det Main new feature: It does not start anymore and freeze on the sign-in windows. Tahir Hashmi Finally they fix the choppy rotation on Mac! That was my 1 peeve with Capture One. Good update. Rufty That’s a pretty smart workaround! Ergo Tahir: what is this choppy rotation you talk about? Ergo Never had any issues with it. That said, I don’t use rotation that much Spectro I been using a magic brush before, guess magic erase is just the opposite, the ai erase.

Still missing the history option. Rpbert Sobieraj Same here :. There is no such lens. Impulses Ooo, wireless tethering will come in handy when doing some macro stuff at home. James Grove You need to understand why before you make such a bold statement. Besides, there are also benefits to keeping them separate. Hope the full version is worth the money. Strobist Tailslol, Can you explain more specifically what you hate about LR? Tailslol I have used C1 Express for 1. Strobist Tailslol, Thanks for the update.

Tailslol Strobist, I also think C1 is really expensive. Spazmaster Any improvement to catalogs while using windows? Chris Dubea We can only hope. You may also like. Sony’s a7 IV gets anti-forgery crypto signature technology for commercial purposes. Sigma 24mm F1. Sigma announces 24mm F1. Latest sample galleries. Sigma 20mm F1. Find out more. For a better user experience, please use the latest version of Internet Explorer or switch to another browser.

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Yes it works but only on 60hz. So only get this if you plan on gaming 60hz in Style: 4K60 Pro Verified Purchase. I use multiple different capture cards. Amateur to pro. However I have two reason for thinking this: 1 First and foremost the captures of 4K material is very “soft” compared to other cards.

At first I thought this was just me but now I’m more sure. The Avermedia GC captures a much sharper 4K signal with seeming higher res. However eyes can be deceiving Its specs in OBS studio report 4K but the default res seems to be p and this seems to be the “information” that the card is able to capture. That also could contribute to perceived visual softness in Elgato captures. So beware of that. I am not sure Elgato is straight shooting with this product? So I game in p with a hz monitor.

The issue I was having with the HD60pro was that when duplicating the monitor output to send to the capture card, it defaults to p at 60hz. By default it matches the resolution of the lowest input device. This device solves that issue. With the 4k60pro mk2, I can stream to to the capture device at p and a high refresh rate.

This gives me a clean stream output for my twitch broadcasts. If you game at a high refresh rate and stream, this is the only way to go. I bought this device because I wanted to display my Nintendo Switch on my iMac I haven’t used it to stream per se, but I have connected it to my Nintendo dock so that the iMac screen acts as the display.


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